Sunday, October 1, 2017

Dot Day 2017

Last year I brought Dot Day to MPJH, and was one of our teachers and students favorite activities, so I decided to make this year's Dot Day even bigger! My first idea was to make our school mascot, and eagle, out of our dots, like pointillism.
So immediately I asked the art teacher if he could help me make this happen, and he was totally on board. That was before Hurricane Harvey gave us a 2 week break, and thus kept us from laying out our eagle ahead of time. So then, after seeing a tweet from a neighboring school, I got the great idea to just make the wings of the eagle mascot and let people take pictures in front of it! Thankfully my art teacher friend was still game to make it happen, and it turned out great!

Students and teachers were so excited to see what we had made together, and many of them came during lunch times to get their picture taken in the wings! #RiseUpAndSoar #MPJHeagles

Moving on Up - from elementary to middle school

So last year I moved from an elementary library to a middle school library, and worked all year at building relationships while making the library an inviting place for all! Here is a recap of what happened in the MPJH Library during the 2016-2017 school year. It was fun, fast, and memorable!